Akashic Initiation 

Akashic Records 

The time of deep remembrance and soul embodiment is upon us, this is an invitation to fiercely & gracefully navigate these evolutionary shifts of ascension as you step deeper into service as a mystic, oracle, healer and soul guide.


Answering the call of your soul


✔️ You are looking to take your soul embodiment journey into truthauthenticity to the next level increasing your capacity to hold space for yourself and others

✔️ You are a mystic, oracle, healer and conscious creative with a strong desire to help awaken & activate others on their path of ascension

✔️ You want to make a difference in the world by assisting others in connecting to their soul’s essence

✔️ You are stepping into your personal power and ready to fulfill your soul mission for this life as a transformational guide.

✔️ You are seeking more depth in your soul-based business, or looking to add this powerful healing modality to your current business.


If you are reading this, it is no coincidence; your soul has guided you here; you are a cosmic wisdom keeper and guardian of ancient secrets; you are a teacher, a healer, and a soul guide; you have done this for many lifetimes and are once more being called to be of service to humanity at this time.

The Akashic Records contain the story or blueprint of your soul; all that has happened, is happening, and will happen can be found there beyond time, space and all dimensions.

The Akashic field invites you to witness yourself and others beyond the physical realm, providing access to the profound wisdom of the soul, where infinite creative potential and limitless possibilities can be found.

Through accessing the Akashic Records you remember your soul’s truth & wisdom. The more you remember, the more you rise and as you rise you show others they can too!


Together we rise!

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 | Akashic Initiation |

Akashic Records Practitioner Certification


The Akashic Records are a powerful spiritual tool for gaining insight, clarity, and direction through the wisdom of your soul, inviting transformation into your life as you enter into an empowered state.

When you live authentically and soul-guided, you and your world change and you may experience more opportunities presenting themselves in your life than ever before and what would previously be viewed as limitations and obstacles become more manageable. You have faith in your divine plan and trust the process. 

With these huge evolutionary shifts and consciousness expansion we are experiencing I feel that now more than ever connecting to the Akashic records can bring, clarity, inspiration, and deep healing to those of you that feel the call to explore the mysteries of your soul.

Path of the soul guide

Hi, I’m Terra and I will be your soul guide & on this Akashic Initiation & training. Connecting with the Akashic Records was a game changer for me and I am forever grateful!

Accessing my own personal Akashic Records was a major catalyst for change, growth, and expansion into my life and I knew I had to share this powerful tool of soul wisdom & transformation with others and the world.

Since 2015, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of clients, providing spiritual guidance through personal readings, group sessions, and courses. For many, this journey has been truly life-changing.

My deepest passion is to empower you to live authentically through aligned action and spiritual connection. I feel humbled every time I facilitate these soul-activating courses, where I get to witness the incredible journey of each soul that answers the call to rise.


The Initiation Path

In this in-depth Akashic Records Practitioner Certification, you will:

✨Learn techniques to access your own personal Akashic wisdom and akashic records for others

Deepen your understanding of the Akashic Records and how they can be used as a tool of healing and transformation for yourself and others

Clear and release beliefs and patterns that are interfering with your overall well-being mind / body / spirit​ to support you in your mission of being of service

Uncover multidimensional soul influences that hindering you and alter their impact through the use of energy healing techniques​

Connect with soul gifts and talents​ & how to access this soul wisdom for others

✨Remember more deeply who you are on a soul level and support others in doing so

✨Utilize the akashic field as a tool for co-creation & manifestation

✨Be given strategies on how you can use the Akashic Records in a workable business model

You will receive your Akashic Records Practitioner certification & certificate upon completion of this course and the requirements


What People Are Saying

Kendra Watt

“Thanks again for being such a wonderful guide, teacher, mentor and inspiration. I've had questions about our existence for as long as I can remember. Even as a child I was curious about the "more to life" questions and I've allowed myself to be guided by spirit, paying close attention to messages coming through for me. 

Working in the Akashic Records is like having a trusted team of familiar advisors and confirms the path and direction I take in all aspects of my life.

Becoming a Certified Practitioner has allowed me to focus my intuitive gifts and to learn to recognize and trust when certain things need attention. Developing more intuitive skills and deepening my connection to other dimensions means I'm truly living my soul's path where I'm able to help others and be a guide for universal consciousness.”

Nicole Pemberton

The Akashic records has opened up another part of my gifts that was always there but through the Akashic records training I was finally able to make sense of all of what I was channeling.

It gave clarity. It deepened my purpose. It has enriched my current business. It awakened an alchemical shift within me.

Biggie Smalls would say in his rhymes "And if you don't know now you know..." Maya Angelou says, "When you know better you do better.." Well now I know.

I am doing my best to do better with this wisdom being shared through me.  A lot has been revealed and it has been mind blowing. A joy has been unveiled while deepening my skills and connections to the records within this training and it has been surprisingly so joyful.

I came into this training really and truly knowing nothing about the Akashic records only seeing visuals on an angel card. I am moving forward even more empowered, have so much to say, and unleashed to share with humanity!

Abundant gratitude to my new master teacher Terra!"

Dana Janway

In the Akashic Records I have received transformative healing and grounded wisdom about myself and my soul. These experiences have allowed me to become more confident in myself and my abilities. I remember who I am.

Being an Akashic Records Reader is sacred work that I feel honoured to be a practitioner of. I enjoy passing on clarity and direction that resonates with my clients.”

Ashleigh Grange

The Akashic Records are a key to full-body healing from the inside out. They have given me a passport to worlds and dimensions beyond this one. At the same time, they are a tool very much grounded in practical and actionable advice and wisdom... for yourself, your business, your future... what do you really want guidance and clarity about? The Akashic Records can provide the answers! I'm very much in love with nurturing my clients' own self-healing capabilities, empowering them to make real changes in their lives as they discover what's possible for them and their one BIG, BOLD life."

The work is sacred

For those of you who have been part of the Heart 2 Heart Journey community for a while, you may remember this course as a two-part training program, level 1 and level 2, spanning a total of nine weeks, with a six to nine month integration period between the two levels.

Originally the certification was structured that way because I have a core belief that stepping into a role to help others requires doing your own inner work first and and this offered more time for integration.

So much has evolved since 2018! The program has now transformed into a 12-week fully immersive training and practitioner certification designed specifically for mystics, oracles, healers, coaches, and conscious creatives with heart-based businesses. This course aims to support those who are devoted to their own spiritual practice and are here to awaken and activate others on their path of healing and spiritual evolution.

If it's you, it truly is an honour and privilege to witness someone's soul and I am overjoyed to see you entering this exciting new chapter of deeper remembrance of who you are and once more take on the role you have had for lifetimes as a healer, mentor, way shower and Soul Guide.

   Akashic Initiation Curriculum     

This is a 12-week online journey of exploration, empowerment and embodiment to become a soul guide and akashic records practitioner will be held through Zoom.

Monday @ 5 PM PST | 6 PM MST | 8 PM EST


Module 1: Introduction

10/14/24 LIVE class

Opening Ceremony

Suggested guidelines for working in the Akashic Records

Learning about what the Akashic Records are, your record keepers, how to access your personal Akashic Records

Steps for working in the Akashic Records

Module 2: Soul Wisdom

10/21/24 LIVE class

From doubt to trust

Questions to go deeper

  Healing in the Akashic Records

Healing Techniques in the Akashic Records.

Pathways of Healing in the Akashic Records

Module 3: Past Life Healing

10/28/24 LIVE class

How past lives affect us?

Past life healing

Working with doubt

Techniques for past life healing in the Akashic Records

Module 4: Past Life Empowerment

11/04/24 LIVE class

Soul Archetypes & gifts

Path of ascension

Reclaiming soul gifts

Past life empowerment in the Akashic Records

Module 5: You & Your Soul

11/11/24 LIVE class

How lineage affects us?

Exploring Ancestral, Genetic & Soul lineage

Healing Techniques in the Akashic

Clearing & Activating DNA

Work with belief systems

Module 6: Akashic Manifesting

11/18/24 LIVE class

Manifestation in the Akashic Records

Keys to manifesting Records

Connect to highest and best timelines. Quantum Creation.

Identifying & addressing unsupportive beliefs.

Module 7: Multidimensional Integration

11/25/24 LIVE class


Akashic living

Spending time with your soul

Bonus: Galactic Traveler

Module 8: Akashic Business

12/02/24 LIVE class

Using the Akashic Records for business

Accessing the records for a business

What do you want want? What does your business want?

Accessing the records for pets, places or things

Module 9: Path of the Soul Guide

12/09/24 LIVE class

Being a Soul Guide

Fundamentals for working in the Records for others

Accessing the records for others

  Pathways of Healing

Module 10: Reading for Others

12/16/24 LIVE class

Outlining Intentions

Session Breakdown

Techniques for Confirming Accuracy

Meditation & Dyad Exercises

Module 11: Integration

12/23/24 LIVE class

Business & Ethics

Walking the Path of the Soul Guide

Now what?

Meditation & Dyad Exercises

Week 12: Support Call

12/30/24 LIVE class

Receive additional support & guidance

Share case study experiences

Closing Ceremony

BONUS: Support Call

01/11/25 @ 11 AM MST LIVE class

Receive additional support & guidance

Share case study experiences

Q& A for all Akashic Initiation students


Course Pre-requisite

There are no pre-requisites for this course, however it is not a beginner level course.

It is recommended you have experience with either intuitive readings, or energy work.

If you have no previous experience please take our self study course Soul Guided before Akashic Initiation.

PURCHASE self-study course




"There is a Universal Creative Force connecting all beings and things, a source of love and wisdom that can be drawn from and revealed through the creation of works of art."
- Ervin Laszlo


Our Online Akashic journey together starts October 14th!

Classes are usually 2-3 hours in length


Module 1: Introduction
LIVE Class 10/14/24 at 6pm MST
Module 2: Soul Wisdom
LIVE Class 10/21/24 at 6pm MST
Module 3: Past Life Healing
LIVE Class 10/28/24 at 6pm MST


Module 4: Past Life Empowerment
LIVE Class11/04/24 at 6pm MST
Module 5: You & Your soul
LIVE Class11/11/24 at 6pm MST
Module 6: Akashic Manifesting
LIVE Class 11/18/24 at 6pm MST
Module 7: Multidimensional Integration
LIVE Class11/25/24  at 6pm MST
Bonus content: Galactic Traveler


Module 8: Akashic Business
LIVE Class12/02/24 at 6pm MST
Module 9: Path of the Soul Guide
LIVE Class 12/09/24  at 6pm MST
Module 10: Reading for Others
LIVE Class 12/16/24 at 6pm MST
Module 11: Integration
LIVE Class 12/23/24 at 6pm MST
Week 12: Support Call
LIVE Class12/30/24 at 6pm MST

What's included

  12- week Initiation into the Akashic Records

  12 LIVE 2- 3 hour calls online with Terra

  BONUS: Support call 01/11/25 @ 11 AM MST online with Terra

  Online classroom for course content & replays

  Replay will be available within 24-48 hours of completion of live class

  BONUS: Galactic Traveler

  Resources and energy healing techniques to help make shifts in your life and the lives of others

  Downloadable Workbooks

  Lifetime access to all content and course upgrades

  A beautiful hard copy of your certification, printed and mailed to you.

  A digital copy of your official certification

  Private Community for current enrolled students. This is where you can stay connected with one another, share your experiences, and soak in the energies of all things akashic!


Certification Requirements


  •   Attendance & participation in all LIVE classes


  •   If you miss a LIVE class you must share 3 key insights you learned from participating in the class in your online workbook before the next LIVE class.


  •   Completion of all homework assignments & case studies by the given due date.


  •   Completion of your 20 case studies is due 3-months after your last class.


What People Are Saying

Robyn Sadowsky

"I struggle to convey the gratitude and love I have for the Akashic Records. In fact, I get emotional talking about it because from the moment that I opened my records for the first time in this course, I was greeted with the overwhelming sensation of coming home. As I continued to dive deeper into my own records and access the records for others, that feeling grew to new heights and I found myself feeling extremely validated and aligned. They have awakened a sense of confidence and self love that had been laying dormant for far too long.
The records play a major role in who I am as a soul; they are my bread and butter. I have utilized their wisdom to assist people on their healing journeys across many lifetimes, and I am so blessed to be able to do the same in this one. I am deeply looking forward to being able to call upon the knowledge of the Akashic Records to help teach and empower people to fully step into their power. And through that process, help them to realize that all the answers, wisdom and healing they are searching for externally already exists inside of themselves."


Corinne Sato

“The akashic records has been a game changer for me. It has allowed me to open up my Clair senses even more and has brought so much more clarity about who I am as well as what I’m meant to do in this lifetime.

When I was practicing my case studies, it was empowering to help people bring clarity to themselves as well as encouraging them to trust themselves and their intuition.

I am super grateful that I had a chance to work with Terra and I can’t wait to offer akashic record readings as part of my business.”

Robyn Geraldine Harris

“What can I say in short words about my experience with the records, they have opened up a whole new world for me, although one that I have been in before yet another life time. Spirit nudged me a few times when Terra was posted about the course and like I do, I sit and ponder and ponder and ponder until a great nudge came.  During the training I was able to get out of my own way and step into the trust of my gifts and talents that have been with me for many life times to come forth to the present. Every case study I did opened up the gift on a deeper level and has been truly heart warming and rewarding to give clairty and next steps for the beautiful souls I read for. I am beyond excited to add Akashic readings to my business as well as an add to my coaching and reiki clients. As well mix them with my furture certification as an Astrologer/Birth cart readings. Terra is a true magical human and it has been a true honour to be learning from someone as multifaceted as she is. The biggest thing for me is trusting in myself and the inner knowing/calling and going for it, pushing that fear aside and allowing the magic unfold, and I cant wait to continue to help others do the same."

Enrolment is Open!

Tuition cost of this certification is $1111 CAD  

Pricing in Canadian Dollars. A mandatory 5% Alberta tax will be added to course tuition.


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