2022: Living in a New Paradigm

Feb 16, 2022

There is an underlying current of survival and continuation of life woven into the the fabric of human existence here on Earth, no matter what challenges and obstacles arise. It is a thing of wonder to behold when doing a review of one’s life and to witness the many miraculous ways that despite all odds the human spirit has surpassed breaking points; experiencing a break down that turned out to be breakthrough, or turning trauma or tragedy into triumph.

As we move forward into the New Year and 2022 turns into a reflection in the rearview mirror of your life, where are you now? Was your world rocked and shaken upside down? Were there hidden blessings in the destruction? Or have the last 2 years been years of growth, expansion, and excitement for you? Everyone will be wherever they are at and it is important to become aware of where you are at now to help determine if there is contentment or a desire for change.

To help get a clearer picture of where you are at now and how you feel we will do an activity that brings the physical body into alignment with the spirit and connects you deeper into the truth; your truth at this point in time. This activity can be done with eyes open or closed and you are invited to journal your experience for future reflection if you desire.


Take three deep breaths; inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. After completing the three breaths allow yourself to sink back into your natural breathing rhythm; place both of your hands on your chest and feel the expansion and contraction of the chest as you breathe in and out, do this for 6breathe cycles.

Bringing your awareness deeper into the chest and connect into your heart space, knowing that it is your internal compass and gateway to your true self. Take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale through the mouth; see sense, feel or know that golden light is flickering deep within your heart and starting to radiate outward. You can bring your hands down or keep them on your chest if you prefer. In this place of heart connection and coherence start to reflect on all that happened for you in 2021, starting with the month of January and working your way through each month and ending with December. Taking a few moments for each month to observe the first thoughts, feelings, or emotions that come up for you and if there are any physical sensations that present themselves in the body.

Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth after you reflect on each month to help move through the emotions and keep the energy fresh. What months caught your attention more than others and why? Were there areas in your life that you wished would have been different? Were there moments of complete gratitude and appreciation? Now it is time for you to sum up 2021 in one word or feeling; there are no right or wrong words or feelings; this is your truth. When you reflect on 2021 as a whole, what is your word or feeling? Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

 Staying in this place of heart connection and inner wisdom start to focus your attention on this moment and the every lasting I AM presence of every present moment; observe the first thoughts, feelings, or emotions that come up for you and if there are any physical sensations that present themselves in the body. Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

What is one word or feeling to describe this present moment? There are no right or wrong words or feelings; this is your present moment truth. What is it? Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through. Now you clearly know where you are at; this feeling or word is your spirit speaking to you at this moment to share with you where you are at now. Breathe in gratitude and exhale gratitude.

Staying connected to the wisdom of your heart, what is a word or feeling you would like to invite into future moments? Say this out loud and take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth anchoring this word/emotion into your heart center that is radiating a golden light. See, sense, feel, or know the golden light from your heart center expanding to fill your entire body all the way up to the top of your head and down to the tips of your toes infusing your entire being with the essence and vibration of the word or feeling you would like to invite into future moments.

Through the power of your intention and strength of your spirit may you create a new paradigm of living that is in full alignment with your heart and your truth and may the resiliency of the human spirit continue to guide you closer to yourself and your home within.

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

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