Living with Intention

Mar 01, 2023

 As we are entering a new month, March already feels like there is going to be more movement and flow and there may be a deeper desire to be more intentional and present with how you are walking in the world and living more intentionally.

🪄 You are the magician of your life and when you claim that, you allow magic and miracles to take place.

When you are are cultivating the practice of living intentionally, you start to become more in alignment with who you are the reflection of the Divine and life turns into an act of service and when this happens will life always flow and be free from hardship? No, however there might be less frustration, anger, resentment, confusion, etc...

Where can you be more intentional in your life? How can every though word, deed and action be an act of service and of love?




There is a divine spark within you. This card reminds you of your divinity and connection to spirit. It is also a call to action to embrace your mystical self. You have been a student of the mystical and sacred arts for many lifetimes. You have much wisdom to share with others, and this is message of encouragement to do so. Through living from an empowered state, you will remind others of their inherent divine spark.

Soul Work: "I am a divine channel and messenger for spirit. I walk this path now because I
have walked it before for many lifetimes. I am here to share the sacred teachings for all those
that seek it, for the greatest good of all."

You can find Soul Path Oracle HERE. 


Much Love to you!

X♡︎ Terra

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