Path of the Heart

THE Journey home to your true self, SOUL purpose & potential

12-month group mentorship

Welcome sister, you know there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing and you want nothing more than to be the embodiment and fullest expression of your authentic self. You are being called to remember your soul lineage as a Mystic, Priestess, Wisdom Keeper, and Carrier of light & magick.

That tugging in your heart you've tried to ignore...yes you know the one I'm talking about, that one it can't be ignored for much longer; you feel it so strongly. 

Let this be the year you say yes to yourself and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, empowerment & embodiment, to unravel the many layers of transformation & inner alchemy.

ARTT of Inner Alchemy™

This transformative 12-month heart path initiation and journey back home was created from the years of coaching & mentorship work I have done with my 1:1 clients.

Path of the Heart is a group mentorship program designed from the same framework I use with my 1:1 clients and is based off of the 4 foundational pillars of my signature coaching/mentorship method "The ARTT of Inner Alchemy™"  that has been life changing for my 1:1 mentorship clients.

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What is Inner Alchemy?

It's a profound journey of transformation, where one dissolves self-illusion and emerges as the authentic embodiment of their true self.

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Step into this sacred container to witness and undergo the powerful transformations that are possible in a supportive group alchemical  process.


  • Longing for a deeper connection with yourself & kindred souls, to be seen, heard & held in a heart-centred supportive community that understands and nurtures your spiritual growth & gifts. 
  • Committed to your inner healing, personal transformation, and spiritual enhancement to be of service to others.
  • Eager to confidently express your true self and embody her unapologetically.
  • Wanting to enhance your unique soul gifts to support yourself and others.
  • Know you have something to offer humanity and the world, even if at times that feels unclear.
  • Desire to strengthen your relationship to your spirituality and God/Goddess/Source/Spirit

Kind Words


We meet for 2 hours each session

The first & third Tuesday of the month 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (MST)

There are additional dates added to the longer months.

You will receive the full curriculum calendar upon registration.



The program will act as a catalyst to your expansion and the live sessions(28 total) encompass various transformative elements, including:


Trainings & Activations: Path of the Heart is a journey of liberation and soul evolution, where you will engage in potent teachings and activations to relearn and reprogram outdated belief systems, thought forms and release and barriers or blocks known or unknown through deep penetrating soul work.


Group Coaching Calls: This provides a platform for addressing your questions and gaining clarity in areas of interest. It's a collective mastermind/heart/soul session where you receive support not just from me, but also from your fellow sisters.


Ceremonies, Ritual & Guided Journeys: Integral to your journey back to the heart, these are carefully crafted to best support the group's needs and have been curated from my 10+ years of working with clients & my own life long personal practices


Group Akashic Records Clearings & Activations: The Akashic Records have been monumental in my client breakthroughs and my own personal life. Accessing the wisdom of your soul allows you to clear karmic patterns, release ties, heal old wounds, and reawaken to the memories of your soul's essence.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis: So much of how we operate consciously is being lead by the subconscious. You will into the subconscious realms and other planes of existence, deepening your connection to the soul. This multidimensional healing modality aids in reawakening the spirit's memories helping to bring more clarity and direction to your purpose & potential for this life.


1:1 Spotlight Sessions: These  sessions offer a unique spotlight where you can receive dedicated 1:1 guidance and support from me, enhancing your experience throughout our transformative 12-month journey together.

4 Gateways to Inner Alchemy



Remembrance, Release and Restoration

  ♥ Immerse yourself in the profound power of the heart, learning techniques to achieve coherence anytime, anywhere.

  ♥ Access the inner child creating & cultivate authentic connections with self & others. Heal relationship dynamics with harmonious communication.

  ♥ See beyond limitations, trauma, and attachment, fostering personal growth from past life healing and activations.


Intuition, Divination and Soul Gifts

 ♥ Uncover your soul’s unique blueprint and ascension path through the akashic records.

 ♥ Remember & reclaim your soul gifts using ceremony & ritual to unlock your potential in this life.

 ♥ Learn different forms of spiritual practices & forms of divination, integrating them into your daily life for your personal growth and to help others.


Dreaming, Manifestation and Personal Power

  ♥ In your cauldron of transformation create the most potent & supportive systems & strategies to create an maintain soul alignment.

  ♥ Identify, transmute and overcome blocks hindering success, self-worth, and confidence, empowering you to rise into a new level of living.

  ♥ Tap into your inner warrioress to embrace your raw and real authentic self.


Presence, Inner Strength & Embodiment

  ♥ Live a life of Integrity and learn practical and magickal ways to turn DREAMS into a reality.

  ♥ It's time to co-create with the Divine! Gain clarity and confidence to claim your soul’s truth and purpose, to build a stable foundation for your life’s legacy.

  ♥ Heart led & soul fed, you will feel empowered to be the fullest authentic expression and embodiment of your soul!


Remember, healing is not linear, it is cyclical. It doesn't have to be an endless journey, but by consistently dedicating time through practice and ritual, the transformative process unfolds, turning day-to-day life into a sacred living ceremony.



1 30 Minute Meet & Greet /Celebration Call With Terra Upon Registration

Let's celebrate! During this call we will get to know each other a little better and talk about the dreams, desires & goals you have for the year! You will receive a booking link for this call upon registration.


1 60 Minute Private Session with Terra (Before starting the program)

Everything we do in Path of the Heart is intentional and to honour this huge step you are taking and the work that will be done it is important for us to connect with each other before our year long journey together and go deeper into your specific desires and goals for the year. You will receive a booking link for this session upon registration.


Self-Initiation Ceremony Pre-recorded Video & Workbook

This journey you are embarking on is the beginning of the devotional path of the heart to becoming your authentic self. You are worth it and more!The time is now dear sister!


Opening Ceremony: March 5, 2024 Live Video Call: 2 - 2.5 Hours

Our journey begins with an Opening Ceremony, where together, we will create the sacred container we will be in and set intentions for the next 12 months.


Video Library of Meditation Practices Video Recording

Guided journeys focused on themes like alignment, soul purpose, and connecting with your higher self, enhancing your spiritual practice.


Activation Calls Live Video Call: 2 Hours

Engage in Activation Calls where you'll uncover and heal limitations, trauma, and old wounds. Reawaken to the spirit within, remembering your true essence through these high vibrational activations.


Mystic Embodiment Calls Live Video Call: 2 Hours

Dedicated to unlocking your intuitive gifts, these sessions focus on intuitive development practices. Step into the initiation path of the heart to reclaim and embody the hidden parts of yourself.


Alignment Practice & Empowerment Strategy Sessions Live Video Call: 2 Hours

Receive tangible methods and practices for staying focused and accountable. Become the eternal devotee on the heart path—an empowered soul and the fullest expression of your authentic spirit.


Heart Path Mentorship/Q & A Support Calls Live Video Call: 1.5 - 2 Hours

These mentorship Q&A sessions provide additional guidance and support, for more clarity and direction to questions you may have.


Comprehensive Lessons and Workbooks

These thought-provoking lessons, provide multidimensional self-mastery & offer a wealth of knowledge for ongoing growth.


Private Community 

A brave space for sharing successes, victories, and challenges. Connect with sisters for insights and inquiries between live sessions, enhancing integration and sisterhood.


Online Learning Portal 

Access all content, session replays, and additional resources conveniently through the online learning portal and mobile app—your gateway to continuous learning and expansion.


Access to Replays 

Recorded sessions are accessible 24-48 hours after the live class, allowing you to revisit and absorb the diverse and experiential content covered.


Closing Ceremony: February 18, 2025 Live Video Call: 2 - 2.5 Hours

Join in sacred sisterhood for our Closing Ceremony, celebrating the journey and connections formed as we mark the completion of this Heart Path initiation.

Kind Words

Power of the Heart

I'm thrilled that you've found your way here! Consider Path of the Heart as a return home to yourself. This soul-evolving journey towards authentic living is a treasure trove of surprises. Having traversed the flames of initiation and emerged reborn, I now find beauty even in shadows.

Witnessing the strength and power unfold in my clients is awe-inspiring. The connection to Spirit illuminates the path, guiding you into deeper alignment with your soul and beyond your grandest vision for life.

Celebrating you as you RISE & SHINE!

In 2012 I had a huge wake-up call a.k.a spiritual awakening and found myself being pulled deeper into the wisdom of my heart and found my way back to the metaphysical world I had run away from at a younger age.

At that moment I knew part of my mission here on Earth is to inspire and encourage others to remember who they are beyond time and space and bridge the gap between the mainstream and metaphysical worlds. I haven't looked back since!

I'm here to support you in rediscovering your radiance and inner light within this sacred community of like-minded sisters. Together, we'll delve into a profound understanding of your soul, bridging the connection between your essence and the physical world. Let's explore new pathways to navigate the intricacies of day-to-day life.


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